
Information For Players


The World Anti-Doping Code (“Code”) is the first document to harmonize regulations regarding Anti-Doping in sport across all sports and all countries of the world. The Code provides a framework for Anti-Doping policies, rules, and regulations for sport organisations and public authorities. As part of an extensive and unprecedented consultation process, WADA solicited comments from its stakeholders throughout the Code’s development incorporating their suggestions into the document. The Code is a living document, and WADA ensures it evolves regularly by engaging in extensive consultation and thorough review of the Code and its associated International Standards on a periodic basis. Amendments to the original Code 2003 is amended 2009, and 2015. The last amendments and new version will be on power 2021.

For all anti-doping enquiries please contact


The IRL abides by the World Anti-Doping (WADA) standard for testing and testing procedures. Players participating in IRL approved competitions, and other competitions run by IRL members, are responsible for complying with the World Anti-Doping Code and all relevant International Standards. All players have a right to enjoy competitions that are properly organised under rules that aim to ensure fairness and prevent doping.

Members are responsible for complying with the Code and the IRL Anti-Doping Rules. Member Associations will make agreements in writing with players that confirms the players’ support for the Anti-Doping Rules and the other IRL rules and regulations.

All players affiliated with a national federation shall be subject to in-competition testing by the IRL, the players’ national federation, and any other Anti-Doping Organisation responsible for testing at a competition or event in which they participate. All players affiliated with a national federation shall also be subject to out-of-competition testing at any time or place, with or without advance notice, by the IRL, WADA, the players’ national federation, the National Anti-Doping Organisation of any country where the player is present. 


Doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following anti-doping rule violations:

1. Presence of Prohibited Substance: Presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in a player’s sample

2. Use of Prohibited Substance/Method: Use or attempted use by an player of a prohibited substance or method

3. Refusing Sample Collection: Refusing, or failing without compelling justification, to submit to sample collection after notification as authorized in applicable anti-doping rules, or otherwise evading sample collection

4. Failure to File Whereabouts & Missed Tests: Violation of applicable requirements regarding player availability for out-of-competition testing, including failure to file required whereabouts information and missed tests (i.e., any combination of three missed tests and/or filing failures within an 18-month period may be deemed a doping violation)

5. Tampering: Tampering or attempted tampering with any part of the doping control process

6. Possession: Possession of a prohibited substance and prohibited method

7. Trafficking: Trafficking or attempted trafficking in any prohibited substance or method

8. Administration: Administration or attempted administration to an player of a prohibited substance and/or method; or assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation or any attempted anti-doping rule violation.

9. Complicity (assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, conspiring, covering up or any other type of intentional complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation)

10. Prohibited association


The List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List), updated annually by WADA, is the International Standard defining what is prohibited in- and out-of-competition. The List also indicates whether particular substances are banned in particular sports.


Players should always check with IRL to find out what additional substances and methods are prohibited in their sport. Also, players should always make their doctor aware that they are bound by the specific rules of their sport. Those who are unsure of what a product contains should not take it until they are sure it is not prohibited. Ignorance is never an excuse.


Extreme caution is recommended regarding supplement use. It is WADA’s position that a good diet is of utmost importance to players. The use of dietary supplements by players is a concern because, in many countries, the manufacturing and labeling of products may not follow strict rules, which may lead to a supplement containing an undeclared substance that is prohibited under anti-doping regulations. A significant number of positive tests have been attributed to the misuse of supplements, and taking a poorly labeled dietary supplement is not an adequate defence in a doping hearing.


Players, like all others, may at times experience a medical condition that requires them to use particular medicines. The substances that a player may be required to take to treat a condition could fall under the List. However, by applying and obtaining a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) from the IF or NADO, and player may be allowed to take the necessary medicine. Players who need to apply for a TUE should request more information about the TUE application process from their IF (for international-level players) or NADO (for national-level players).


Worldwide doping controls—or player testing—are carried out in accordance with the Code and the International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI). Players who compete at the international and national level may be tested anytime, anywhere. Specially trained and accredited doping control personnel carry out all tests.


  1. Player Selection
  2. Notification
  3. Reporting to the Doping Control Station
  4. Selection of a Collection Vessel
  5. Provision of Sample
  6. Volume of Urine
  7. Selection of a Sample Collection Kit
  8. Splitting the Sample
  9. Sealing the Samples
  10. Measuring Specific Gravity
  11. Completion of the Doping Control Form

 For all anti-doping enquiries please contact

1. PLAYER SELECTION Player can be selected for doping control at any time and any place.

2. NOTIFICATION A Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone will notify the Player that he/she has been selected for doping control. The DCO or chaperone will inform the Player of their rights and responsibilities. These include the right to have a representative present throughout the process. The Player will be asked to sign a form confirming that the Player has been selected for doping control.

3. REPORTING TO THE DOPING CONTROL STATION Player should report immediately to the doping control station. The DCO or chaperone may allow the Player to delay reporting to the station for an activity such as a news conference or to complete a training session. However, once the Player has been notified and selected for doping control, the DCO or chaperone will accompany the Player until the completion of the sample collection process.

4. SELECTION OF A COLLECTION VESSEL Player will be given a choice of individually sealed collection vessels. The Player may select one. The Player should verify that the equipment is intact and has not been tampered with. The Player should, at all times, maintain control of the collection vessel.

5. PROVIDING A SAMPLE During the sample provision, only the Player and the DCO or urine sample witness of the same gender is permitted in the washroom. The Player will be asked to wash hands. The Player will then be asked to raise or lower clothing so that the DCO or chaperone has an unobstructed view while the Player provides the sample.

6. VOLUME OF URINE The DCO shall ensure, in the Player’s full view, that he/she has provided the minimum required volume: 90 mL. If at first the Player is unable to provide 90 mL, he/she will be asked to provide more until that level is met.

7. SELECTION OF SAMPLE COLLECTION KIT Player will be given a choice of individual sealed sample collection kits to choose one. The Player should verify the equipment is intact and has not been tampered with and open the kit. Confirm the sample code numbers on the bottles, the lids and containers all match.

8. SPLITTING THE SAMPLE Player are going to split the sample, pouring at least 30 mL into the B bottle and the remaining urine of 60 ml or more into the A bottle. The Player will be asked to leave a small amount in the collection vessel. The reason for this is so the DCO can measure its specific gravity. Player should pour the urine unless he needs help. In this instance, the Player will need to provide consent of their representative or the DCO to pour on his/her behalf.

9. SEALING THE SAMPLES Next, seal both the A and B bottles. Player and the DCO should verify that the bottles are sealed properly.

10. MEASURING SPECIFIC GRAVITY The DCO is required to measure the sample‚ specific gravity. If it does not meet certain requirements, the Player will be asked to provide another sample.

11. COMPLETING THE DOPING CONTROL FORM On this form, the Player should provide information about any medication, prescription or non-prescription or dietary supplements the Player has taken recently. This form is also the place to note any comments the Player may have regarding any part of the doping control process.

Player will be asked for consent that sample could be used anonymously for research once the analysis of doping control purposes is completed. Player may say yes or no. 

Player should be absolutely certain everything is correct, including the sample code number and to be sure, too, that the laboratory copy of the form does not include any information that could identify the Player.

Player will be asked to sign the form.

At the completion of collection, Player will receive a copy of doping control form.


Player samples are packed for shipping by a secure process.

Player samples are sent to a WADA-accredited laboratory. When processing samples, that lab will adhere to the International Standard for Laboratories, ensuring the chain of custody is maintained. A sample is analyzed. B sample is securely stored. It may be used to confirm an Adverse Analytical Finding from the A sample. The lab will report the results of Player sample analysis to the responsible Anti-Doping Organisation and to WADA.


Laboratories analyze samples solely by code numbers, not by player’s names. A laboratory that has analyzed a player, A sample reports the results simultaneously to WADA and to the particular Anti-Doping Organisation.


If Player A sample reports a positive test in the language of the Code, an Adverse Analytical Finding, the organisation responsible for results management will conduct an initial review.

That review is focused on two parts:

  1. Does the Player have a Therapeutic Use Exemption for the substance found in the sample?
  2. Was the sample collection and analysis done according to procedures?

Player will be notified in writing of the results and rights regarding the analysis B sample.

If Player decides to request a B sample analysis, or if the Anti-Doping Organisation requests a B sample analysis, the Player may attend or choose to send a representative on his behalf.

In the meantime, a Provisional Suspension must be imposed when an A sample returns an Adverse Analytical Finding for a Prohibited Method or for a Prohibited Substance other than a Specified Substance. At the same time, the Code gives Players important hearing rights, should a Player choose to exercise them, in connection with the imposition of such a suspension. These opportunities can depend on the timing of an individual case.

If the B sample confirms the analysis of the A sample, the Anti-Doping Organisation will proceed with the results management process, including the Player’s right to a fair hearing.

If the B sample does not confirm the analysis of the A sample, no further action will be taken and, of course, any Provisional Suspension will be lifted.



ADOs coordinate in-competition testing so that there is only one organisation testing at an event. Unless provided otherwise in the rules of the relevant IF or event ruling body, in-competition means the period commencing 12 hours before a competition in which the player is scheduled to participate through the end of the competition and the sample collection process related to the competition.

Criteria for the selection of players are pre-determined, based on the regulations of the IRL or event ruling body. Sample collection takes place in accordance with the IST. Players are notified of their selection for testing. Samples are analyzed for “in-competition substances” as outlined in the Prohibited List. 


Out-of-competition testing, or any testing done outside of an event, ensures that players can be tested at any time and at any place.