Nigeria Rugby League Association

Affiliate Member

Date founded: 01-11-2018


Website: View Nigeria Rugby League Associations Website

The seed for Nigeria Rugby League was planted in December 2012 and the new NRLA was founded on 1 November 2018 in Lagos , and in December 2018 the association was accepted as an Observer by the RLEF. NRLA has obtained Affiliate membership with the IRL and RLEF during 2020.

The NRLA is run by a 5 man Board of Trustee's  who has empowered a Management Committee Board of five Directors elected by the members, each having a renewable four-year mandate. The membership is drawn from clubs or associations .

The NRLA runs a National League split into a North and South West conference with teams such as Lagos Haven, Eko Trinity & Lagos Rhinos taking inspiration from their English rugby league counterparts.

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